Reading Week 2 – Network Literacy

The reading for Week 2 in Networked Media made me really consider the way the world is changing. Because of the fact that we are becoming more technological than ever before, we can begin to compare the old ways of finding a categorised book in a library to finding information on blogs and being able to categorise information.

It fascinates me that there is this term ‘network literacy‘. You would think that it means that one is literate in computers (understanding the functions of a computer). But in actual fact, network literacy is the ability to participate in various networks that we can share knowledge through. It’s an understanding of the “logics or protocols of these networks” (Miles, pg. 26). It includes a basic comprehension of network identities, privacy settings and communities.

This idea reminds me of Twitter and the ability to use hashtags. I am a huge user of Twitter and I find that I have definitely been able to voice my opinions over the years with hashtags. I’ve even had photos posted and retweeted several hundred times, as my opinion is shared by many. Screen Shot 2016-03-11 at 12.19.20 PM

Hashtags allow any user within the network to comment on a particular topic, allowing any type of person to comment on something. These people don’t necessarily have to be professors in the area but just need some sort of opinion on a topic.

In order for me to become more network literate, I have decided that I want to further comprehend information filters within various networks. This will enable me to assess and interpret the quality of various information I find more efficiently, allowing my blog posts to become a lot more concise and to the point.

Often it is easy to trust any site that you Google, but I think it’s important to use my resources through university, my fellow peers or preferred blogs as often their ideas will be more precise, or more creative.

As Adrian Miles states, it’s important to use tags to catalogue different works. This makes it very easy for others to roam through your blog to find information they are after and also makes a blog become a part of a wider community of users who also tag posts of similarity. This allows you to become a part of a broader community of users.

Week 2 Reading: Miles, Adrian. Network Literacy: The New Path to Knowledge [online]. Screen Education, No. 45, 2007: 24-30.

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Reading Week 1 – Why do we blog?

After a bit of printing and highlighting I have now been able to understand why the use of blog’s at RMIT is so important to my studies.

Blogs can be used like a journal or diary as an educational tool that allows us to reflect on ideas or to record progress in certain activities or creation exercises.

I think that it is so important that I continue to use my media blog throughout my degree as it is a public document that showcases my folio of work. It also enables me to become a part of the “larger community” (Miles, pg. 67) whenever I contribute/others comment on my work.

Blogs allow for anyone to become the “publisher” (Miles, pg. 66) rather than an “author of a single or even a series of web pages”. It allows me to have a public space where I can write whatever I want within reason, having a balance between a scholarly and conversational voice.

It’s vital that in this day and age, we are taught about using online spaces like blogs. We are moving towards an incredibly technological age where nearly everything is now online. Keeping a blog allows me to develop my online media skills and potentially gives me a leg up against those who don’t have the same skill set as me.

I am not 100% sure as to the direction that I want this blogroll to go in as I am interested in a lot of things. I absolutely love music, theatre and travel to name a few things, so I am hoping that my blog will head in this direction. I am also heavily involved in social media, so I will be writing a little bit about my experiences online as they will relate to my Networked Media class.

Week 1 Reading: Miles, Adrian. Blogs in Media Education: A Beginning [online]. Screen Education, No. 43, 2006: 66-69.