

RMIT has welcomed me back with open arms. Bless. The first week of semester two however, has been kinda FULL ON. New timetables, new classes, new faces, familiar faces, multiple train commutes, even a shooting session (with a camera – duh), the lot – and more. But so far, so good.

I’m not entirely sure if I’m required to make specific (and marked) blog posts about any of my classes this semester, but having this freedom I think this may leave me more inclined to blawg freely – weird I know, but that’s how the students’ mind works (or maybe just mine?). So from this point on it’ll be all things cinema, politics, and explaining all sorts of crazy concepts and theories (meh new Media 2 studio w/ Liam W). Hey, maybe even some extra posts on what/who I’m feelin’ and vibin’ from here or there. I don’t want to get too far ahead of myself though, it’s only the end of week one. But bring on the rest of the semester.


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