So apparently an email was sent out that gave us RMIT media students a spesh invite to the St.Kilda Film Festival Opening Night – HOW DID I MISS THIS ??? But! Not to worry because my good pals Justin and Eliza seised this opportunity and scored some tickets – inviting me and truly saving my bacon, bless ’em.
The three of us, along with Eliza’s friend Alex, headed to the Palais Theatre – and wow. Having never attended any special film screening (excluding the local midnight screening of the final Harry Potter film) I was blown away by the Melbourne crowd. Full of arty, cultured and fine looking people – from around the world (the French natives behind us in line asserting this) and Melbourne. But I guess we are those people now? Anyway, I loved it. Buzzing crowd, big lights, the works.
Shown an exposition of short films, including the likes comedy, documentary, drama and music video – I was truly amazed at the capabilities people have when given a camera to represent their ideas and stories. As a media student, this really got me thinking about how I’d like to represent my ideas or stories, maybe or maybe not as a film, but of any medium. Or even what genre/ t hemes I could/would like to, represent.. But this is all thinking ahead for the future. For now, studying media and RMIT will do, as it will give me the opportunity to delve into all kinds of media platforms, become familiar with professional equipment and environments and discover what I’d really like to do and achieve in the realm of media.