

Today, the first Project Brief was due – sweet relief for the first task of the subject being handed in. In tables, we shared our lo-fi self portraits (or as I grew to call it, selfy-p’s) using the coloured-hats method, as inspired by a man whose name I’ve forgotten. Anyway, it was really interesting to see what routes other people (shout out to Eliza and Justin) had taken in approaching the Project Brief, allowing for discussion and some constructive criticism, and more so a further glimpse into each other’s lives and personalities.

Next was a look at the second Project Brief, the Self Portrait v2.0 – note: due on the 30th.

The remainder of the workshop saw us preparing and I suppose testing/improving our editing skills for Self Portrait v2.0. This involved diving into the video archives of the internet and using these videos to create a 7-shot video, surrounding a particular theme (shape, colour or movement). It was fun going through all of the weird sorts of videos that were offered on, and even better so turning them into entertaining vidz to edit and produce.


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