Translating Observation – #5: Chips

I’m poor. Fiscally, socially, sexually, but mostly fiscally. I spend whatever little money I make on films and food; an expensive but glorious combination. On my to the cinema, I thought I’d purchase a bag of chips for the screening in a pathetic attempt to make myself feel better. After carefully assessing the various brands and flavours, I opted for Red Rock Deli’s ‘Honey Soy Chicken’; only the finest, for a fine man like myself. Sure, it’s the most expensive, but I didn’t have a lot to work with; Smiths are vastly overrated, Kettle are too salty for my liking and Home Brand is Home Brand; it’s cheap for a reason. And don’t get me started on the cheese-riddled filth that is Doritos.

I arrived at the cinema 45 minutes early to secure the seat I always must have; middle of the middle. The wait in line was long and arduous, but I knew it would be worth it; the right setting is essential for the chips to be fully appreciated.

We were finally let in, and I was able to acquire the seat I wanted. The previews begun, but as always, I chose to hold out on my cravings until the beginning of the film, where then, and only then, would I submit to the dominatrix of the chips. During the previews, I looked around to see many of the audience eating their respective snacks. I don’t get this at all. Unless you’re eating an ice-cream, why wouldn’t you wait until the start of the film and maximise your experience?

The 10 minutes were nearly up. I was salivating; oh how I desired that sweet, sensual taste. I was tapping my fingers against the arm rest and noticed the two 30-somethings sitting next to me. I had nothing to do, so I thought I’d eavesdrop on their conversation. Work, relationships, pretty mundane stuff, when suddenly the one directly next to me says “I was at this movie last night, really good, except the guy next to me was eating this bag of chips and it was so fucking loud. Like it was crazy. I was trying to enjoy this beautiful ambience but all I could focus on was his fucking chips.” Oh no. This was not good. What the hell could I do? Should I eat the chips anyway in a brave act of defiance? Do I have it in me? I think I do. I think I do! Fuck him! Then he says “I actually had to tell him to shut up“. Okay. So I don’t have it in me. That’s fine. Hey, no worries. Except I’m pissed off. I would totally do it in an action film, where the gunshots and explosions would drown out the chomps of the chips. But this was a French art film. They use silence as a fucking convention. I couldn’t do it, I didn’t do it. The movie sucked, and I ate the chips on the train ride home as a means of comfort.

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