After Monday’s class, I borrowed the Sony EX3 and tripod to complete my Individual Exercise at home. I decided that I would mess around with the equipment on Monday night. This would allow me to be more comfortable during my Tuesday morning shoot, as my skills would be somewhat refined.
After completing the task, I realised I had a lot of problems with my work; not with the observation itself, but rather the technique behind it. I could identify the problems (focus, exposure) but didn’t know how to fix them. That was until Thursday’s class, when Robin pointed out the importance of putting everything on the camera back to default before you use it. I realised that for my project, a lot of my settings were configured by the previous camera holder. And those small settings can have a landslide effect. A simple mistake, but one I will (hopefully) never make again.
Overall I’m happy with my written observations and can visualise them in a cinematic capacity. It’s just about getting the basics right, though.