Discussion of Project 3

We discussed in groups who we might interview. Most people chose their closest friends and I did as well. But then Robbie suggested that I step outside that circle and ask the question ‘Is this subject interesting?’ Well, my friend is interesting but not in a visual sense (he’s a composer).
Eventually, I ended up choosing Adam Hoss, an artist friend of mine where I share my office at J-Studios. He’s a visual sculptor so this would look better on film and I didn’t know all the answers to his life. Thus, it would be a new experience and one also where we get to know each other better.

The issue that was discussed was the curly nature of found footage. It cannot be stock and it must be derived from a copyright free source. was one. It’s okay. Not the greatest resource. Also, because my topic is on an artist I wanted to use artists that had influenced Hoss such as Geiger and Picasso. Alas, despite finding these on I couldn’t use them due to copyright that extends onto the artwork itself. I’ll have to find another tact.

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