im so angry about everyhitng all the time

Last Monday I watched Germaine Greer on Q&A and I cracked it. Mentally and physically. As in I was sweating.
I was ghost-tweeting for my housemate who is a Journalism student and I had to stop and notice that I’ve never been so engaged with TV in my life. It was only driven by the chance one of *my* tweets would come up on the screen however it was also something else. There’s this kind of anger that I have inside that is only stirred by arguing against about misogyny/homophobia/transphobia/racism ETC aka social injustice.

I managed to find 50 ways to call-out Greer as a transphobic out-of-touch bigot, without undermining her gender ( so that I was the bigger person). Yet still, after 5 retweets of a tweet not even published by me, I wasn’t satisfied.
I knew this woman wouldn’t see reason and it cut me so deep that she has a platform. I get this feeling when I read newspaper article comments, or see people using the word “SJW”. Maybe it’s because in my generation, EVERYONE has access to platforms to express their opinion (even me).

So it was just something I noticed about myself. As a generally placid person, I can’t fathom this rage I have in me? It’s really bizarre when I think about it.