box week 11

Our consult session was really helpful, especially on the topic of SOUND.

Sound that needed to be tweaked was the track itself. I vibed this record crackle-distant-radio-sound when I wrote the script where the song would be played from a radio, then lifted to non-diegesis as the singing begun, and thus I’ve attempted to alter the song to this.  I’ve exported the song to Audition which is a program I’m still shaky on, and after watching a couple of youtube tutorials, I’ve used the custom FFT filters to give the song a radio effect. It’s somewhere between old radio sound and a mobile phone voice from a movie. I like it regardless. There’s a brilliant function I was playing around with that makes the audio sound as if it was from another room. Here’s the effected track below:

I still am yet to place the atmos audio under the song but I’m hoping this will deter the music video-ness of the project. I got a great clip of a magpie warbling and the train in the the distance, honking along with a level crossing ding. I need to go onto the media servers at uni tomorrow before the class-viewing cut is complete to get a couple of snippets from Bell’s file; the sound of the gate creaking (I’l place over the image of the bowls club sign), a shot of the clock in the kitchen (this time in focus), and more atmos. As for my colour grade, it was encouraged that I’d crank it up a few notches to see a real difference. I’m so terrified of colour grading! I’m scared everything will look like the toaster filter on instagram. Nevertheless, I will persist.

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