box week 10 update

I think I’ve cooled off the footage a little bit now. The rough edit is done, and I do truly enjoy the sound we have recorded. Fluorescent hums, the wind on the green and the ticking of the clock works beautifully with the record crackle of the song. Yes, it’s a bit rushed, but it’s something I will reshoot down the track.
The outdoor shots are beautiful, and the rotating wind gauge is nearly so mesmerising it could be a GIF. I’m starting the colour grade tonight.

I’ve come back to this post about an hour into the colour grade. The greens are standing out beautifully in the dancing on the grass scene but I’m having trouble with some of the grades looking polarised (I’m not sure if that’s the right term) especially over the singer who stands under those bright red lights. (below)

I am excited to show my edit in the consult later this week. I know theres some tweaking, especially syncing the movement of her lips with the audio of the song, along with just some edits which could be rearranged.

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