Room With A View – April 24th

We presented our first show on 3RRR today. The show ran reasonably smoothly, and I am proud of how we managed as a group of first timers. It certainly was daunting before we went live. We all arrived an hour before the show just to be prepared. We had the runsheets printed and highlighted, the files on a usb, the tracks lined up and everything timed. We all felt pretty prepared.

Our first little hiccup was the empty gap between my interview and the recording. There was a quiet intro that might not have picked up on a low fader. I probably should have alerted the panel about that. Next was a bit of dead air as a sponsorship announcement played. I was standing in the greenroom frantically waving my hands for the hosts to talk because nothing was playing. They covered it really well and in the grand scheme of things, I feel as if the 3RRR listeners would be sympathetic to a student group.

an emo amid a group of smiling babes

A few transitions were a little clunky but that comes with practice from the whole team. I was tested when our guest arrived 20 minutes late and 10 minutes before he was live. I had to call a couple of times but he faithfully arrived and apologised. I got him water and chatted with him, told him about the show and the presenters. I wanted it to be a friendly and relaxed atmosphere and I think we did well at creating that.

Room With A View – THRUSHER

I was lucky enough to interview Stass and Alana from the female-focused skate crew Thrusher, who skate around Melbourne encouraging women to jump on board of a skateboard lol. This was my first experience in a radio studio and it’s certainly reflected through the quality of my interview. Something was banging about the studio table, hitting the mic stands, squeaking the chairs, tapping the table and I’m starting to think it was me. It makes an otherwise interesting interview sound super amateur. I got a bit of a spray by a staff member about it. This made listening back definitely the hardest part of the whole process.

Other than the final product, I’m proud of the lead-up to the interview. I managed to keep a consistent dialogue with Thrusher, giving information about the show, setting up times to meet and even organising a time to skate with them. They were enthusiastic and excited guests, and I wish the sound quality of the show had of done them some more justice.

Listen to Thrusher for Room With A View here: