Readings: Week 6, Noticing

(I am trying to submit shorter posts more frequently here)

In John Mason’s reading The Discipline of Noticing, which was assigned this week, he provided us with brief exercises to undertake to increase our perception and ability to record. I believe that recording is the hardest part of noticing.

His suggestions such as notice the moon, or the temperature of the room, say I as you walk through a doorway etc are ideas that I will under take willingly. I believe it is important, especially as media makers to break away from “screen time” or even just media time (including non digital media)  and let the world provide substance. Sometimes I feel as though I am always just waiting for something to entertain and engage me. Music as I walk to the station, my phone on the train, listening and watching a lecture, my laptop and notes, music as I study, textbooks, readings etc.
It might just be me but sometimes I need to break away from taking in media. So to keep engaged and entertained I will be doing these exercises.\

My last observation from this reading was that I am already, unwittingly participating in recording! I keep a list on my phone of locations I think would be nice to shoot/photograph, story ideas that are inspired by things happening to me. Here’s my list of locations around Melbourne:


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