I think the idea that stood out to me the most from this weeks reading is Cal Newport’s first law; “Telling a young person to follow their passion reduces the possibility they will end up passionate”.
This is a comforting sentence to read during my first week into a comprehensive 3 year course in a field I feel passionate about. However, I also think I am still unsure about what exactly I am passionate about. Don’t get me wrong, I am not idly fence sitting, or disinterested in my course. I have worked very had to get to where I am right now. I just find it comforting that this course gave us a reading on the fluidity of our passions and interests.
The talk dismissed the idea that you must follow a rigid, unstraying path to “success”. That in order to make yourself happy, you need to channel all of your motivation into one career (“money making”) choice, and stick with it until the day you die, and during that time you will have become successful. Making a profitable and respectful career seems to be a huge pressure on this generation, and it’s a sad notion that happiness can only be found in a successful career.
Regardless, the skill I want to take from this talk is Newport’s time-blocking scheme. Setting aside time to partake in deep cognitive learning, and extending this time after every few weeks. In all the “study skills” classes I took in high school, I wish someone told me this!