We began with an open discussion about who we were, what we are here for and what we hope to achieve through RMIT media. From what I gathered from the class, there is a huge lean towards creating and working with film/video and motion media. I’m glad I have a crop of prospective collaborators and peers who share a common interest!
During the discussion, were were instructed to write a list of things we hope to achieve in 2018; our graduation.
Mine is as follows:
Dear Future Self…
1. Find my creative voice. Find where I belong in an industry you admire. Or don’t fit in! Just find my style, what I like and dislike and achieve some sort of direction to funnel my creativity into.
2. Bring ideas to fruition, rather than wondering what to do with them.
3. Collaborate! I am lucky enough to have a second chance at Uni (not lucky for my HECS fees) so this time instead of shying away from groups and socially isolating myself, i want to find like minded people to work with.
4. Stop working in hospitality. Get an internship, Get a break in an industry job
5. The previous requires networking so I will put my feelers out. A journalism teacher told me to keep a notebook full of every persons contact details you’ve ever met. I probably won’t go to that extreme but I will take an approach like that on board (possibly)
6. make more art.
7. Write a Dialogue heavy script. No more moody scenic shots. I just saw Noah Baumbachs “Mistress America” and it was pretty mind-blowing.
8. Find my own learning style. Be committed to my education (or centrelink will kill me)
9. Make time every day to practice SOMETHING whether its photography, drawing, guitar, studying even.
10. just learn some practical skillz