Urban Landscape is a type of photography category, it dilutes into human condition, urban machine and beyond reality, and my main focus will be on beyond reality. Urban Landscape is a distinct from “street photography” which looks at urban experience largely through a study of the people who live it, although the two genres may overlap. Urban landscape photographs often include people, but they are clearly situated and existing in the structure of the town or city. I think this photography concept will be very suitable to apply in our set design and cinematography, as we want to blend in our characters in the populated city in order to create unity in the utopia world. In beyond reality we use an abstraction form to interpretation of our urban environment, with the use of textures, space, form, colors, light and time. From this concept it inspires us an idea to capture a different perspective when looking at our city landscape. I want to use its minimalist aspect to create a dreamscape.


The urban landscape can be viewed both as a series of structures and edifices more or less organized by human action and as a panorama of social and cultural histories framing our present and inscribing our past as Mike Seaborne stated.


“… the conurbation becomes one huge archaeological site as the city reveals its inner self through a continuous process of urban renewal and revitalization in which the very innards of the landscape are exposed and delayered like a vast anatomical dissection” (Ron McCormick, 1998)


D.Miller, E. Parry et.al. 1998 ‘The City: Harbour of Humanity’, Photography’s Multiple Roles, pp.200-227. Viewed 30 March 2016
Crombie and G.Blainey, 1992 ‘Sites of the Imagination: Photographers View Melbourne and Its People’ Viewed 22 March 2016
Ron McCormick, 1998 ‘Archaeologies: Tracing History in the Urban Landscape’. Viewed 29 March 2016

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