Interview Exercise

So this weeks class brought us the task of grouping up and creating a short interview about surviving uni. We were given some sort of Sony camera, can remember its name, and a Manfrotto tripod. I’m not gonna lie, we had no idea what to do in terms on content. It felt like we were just filming each other for the…


No zooms they tell us. They’re amateurish they tell us. I’ll tell you what’s not amateurish, using a zoom. Zooms can be used efficiently and have huge effects when done proper. And when done proper it takes skill, so I would argue that if a zoom is done correctly, it’s a sign of professionalism. Take Spielberg for example, the master…

Need moooore blooooogss….

So today I found out that four posts a week was the absolute minimum amount we should be posting. Yeah I’m all over that! But that also means four posts per week is enough for a credit. So, I’m all over that credit!  But I can do better than that, so tonight imma break the internet just like Kim K did,…

Mix tape was more fire than I thought

Well, there’s something I’d never think about. I loved watching Teletubbies as a kid, it was such an entertaining show. I never thought anyone would ever analyse it further than what it is on the surface, to pre schoolers anyway. Of course as we grow and develop, we view certain things from different perspectives. I always saw the Teletubbies as these…

Recording Exercise Using the zoom handy recorder H2n, we were given a task to pair up and create an audio piece referring to either; our favourite place on campus, the city library or our favourite place to get a bite to eat. I was paired with Eve and we decided to do ‘Our favourite place on campus’. Me being new and…

Reflecting on myself

So this weeks practical begun with the screenings of everyones self portraits. I was keen to see everyones projects, and excited for people to see mine. Sitting there waiting for mine to screen, I was a little more nervous than I expected to be, usually I’m quite good with my nerves, but it surprised me when I felt them kick…


WHAT?! We don’t have earlids? Well, obviously, but I’ve never really thought about it. This weeks lectorial, which happened last week, was constructed around sound. A memorable aspect of the class was the phrase, “there are no earlids”. I found it very interesting and thought provoking. Because, unlike our eyes, we can’t deliberately block out all sound, without an external…

I can’t describe myself

  It’s time, Project brief #2. I really had no idea how to approach this, everything just kind of unfolded while I was editing. I remember thinking hard about what I could do, and it just got too much. So I left the house with some mates and just filmed some skating. This really helped me escape from having to…

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