Narrative structure in PB 3

As the deadline for the next project comes to a close, we are given a list of questions to think about in relation to our project. After answering these questions I started to wonder if my project answers these questions sufficiently, I’m only in early stages of post-production so theres still time for that to change. What is the ‘controlling…

With great power, comes great responsibility

This week in cinema studies, our reading is on editing, and how editors affect the outcome of a film using various editing techniques. American Beauty (1999) Directed by Sam Mendes, is a great example of how much power editing wields in influencing how a film is constructed. Christopher Greenbury began chopping the film until there was a collision with another project…


I love me a good documentary, so I’m going to share a few that I’ve seen and think highly of with you. COWSPIRACY. I can guarantee you, this will be the most influential documentary you watch. You can peep it on Netflix, please no chill while viewing, thank you. Wim Hof is an extraordinary human being. He is also know…

Seeing is not noticing

As we’ve recently been told, hearing is not listening. And now for chapter two, seeing is not noticing. In one of this weeks readings by Mason, J (2002) Researching your own practice; The discipline of noticing, Pg no. 29-37, the notion of noticing is orbited. Many of us become accustomed to our everyday surroundings and tend to not notice them the way we could.…

I can’t read.

You know what I’ve realised? I can’t read. Well, I can, but not informational texts that well. I’ve found that if it’s all just facts, I can’t create an imaginary world in my head whilst reading, information ceases to unravel in my brain. I find myself sitting there, empty minded while my eyes read the words on screen, and that’s as far…

PB #3 Update (day one failure)

So after dialling 16 different phone numbers and having no one being interested in interviewing with me, I may have to start thinking about plan B. I know you all want me to be successful so bad, but everything doesn’t work out all the time….. However, theres still hope! An anonymous blogger, from this very course tagged me in a…

Where is this post?

In the depths of my daily procrastination today, I stumbled upon this video. It made me think about how the new realm of media we inhabit is determined to create original pieces of media, this video particularly refers to the video medium. So when we stumble upon a piece of video media we see as “original”, is it really? Sure the content of the…

PB #3 Update (recording setup)

Today is the day I begin my PB3. I needed to construct some sort of recoding booth in my room, and the photo below shows that. To the left of screen is my phone. I will be making phone calls from that phone and recording the audio with two different devices. I am using the built in recording function in…

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