So week 5 comes to an end, and our rough cuts for the project are due next week. I thought for this one I should try something a little avant grade, in terms of the project. It must have been a Monday after the lecorial, when me and a couple of others, you know who you are, decided to get some food. We sat down and smashed out a whole page of brilliant ideas over lunch. #proud I decided to go with an idea that I came up with to interview a stranger, but not just a stranger in the street. A stranger over the phone. So my plan for tomorrow is, to set up a home style recording booth in my room and dial random numbers till I find someone who’s willing enough to tell me something interesting about their lives on a Saturday. Now, there are many flaws to this I know, like, what if no one wants to talk to me? I can’t do any previous research on my participant, cause I don’t know who’ll it’ll be. Additionally, because I don’t know who it’ll be or what they do, I can’t prepare questions. So it’s really all down to when they answer.
P.s. for anyone who has no ideas yet, heres the list of our we made, cause I’m a nice guy 🙂
P.p.s Cody has shit handwriting.