Month: March 2016

Media is life

I was not expecting to end the electoral with this exercise. Essentially what we did was fully realise that media is everywhere, we can’t escape it. The photo above is of “The distracted pedestrian” these two guys were advertising for the safety of pedestrians, who, by the interaction with media are putting themselves in danger. So how must are we…

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This morning in class we heard from an ex student now film editor, Jeremy Bowtell. He gave a quick overview about the significance and power editing wields. Applying gaps and breaks to let the audience fill in the blanks is a crucial part of editing, when done well the editor is able to manipulate the audiences into following the story they want…

Sly RMIT you

Through the ever flourishing universe that is social media, many ideas are able to be easily shared, viewed and thought about philosophically to alter individuals mind sets. Cal Newport explains this in his talk about finding happiness in your chosen workplace. I agree with both sides of his argument, becoming skilled at something through having passion for it and, developing…


Speaking your first word. Having ice-cream for the first time. Losing your virginity. Moving out of home for the first time. Finding your first love. Maybe losing your first love. These are all experiences that will never be the same again. However, they can be expanded, developed and fine-tuned as life’s pendulum continues to tick on in its indomitable fashion.…

Deep Attenti…… instagram

I feel like N. Katherine Hayles has purposefully constructed this piece “Hyper and Deep Attention: The Generational Divide in Cognitive Minds” in a protracted way to act as a an experiment in a way. If a bunch of people sat down to read the piece, you would be able to separate individuals based on their primary cognitive functions of their brain i.e deep or hyper…


So, as I was preparing for uni to start, I thought I’d arrive early. Cause thats what first years do right? I was approaching building 80 on the Monday morning and thought for sure I’ll have trouble finding the room. However, after no time at all I found myself peering though the glass of a filled room. Shit. They’ve started…

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