I was not expecting to end the electoral with this exercise. Essentially what we did was fully realise that media is everywhere, we can’t escape it. The photo above is of “The distracted pedestrian” these two guys were advertising for the safety of pedestrians, who, by the interaction with media are putting themselves in danger. So how must are we really exposed to media on a daily basis? By walking around Melbourne central, our group managed to find multiple mediated devices, here they are:
- Billboards, TV screens
- Attractions, i.e the shot factory, art, sculptures
- Flooring aesthetics
- Brand names
- Manikins
- Display shelves
- Reception of shops
- Music
- Lighting
- Scent
- Interactive advertisements
- Environment on the whole place
- Other people
While doing this exercise, I noticed that we spend way too much time and effort into creating, engaging and reacting to mediated stimuli. However, I don’t think the rate of how we produce and consume media is going to slow any time. Media is alive, and we accommodate it.