Inspiration 2: Sink or Swim by Su Friedrich

Su Friedrich’s avant-garde documentary ‘Sink or Swim’ lent me more inspiration this week, particularly the segment called ‘ghosts’ which I have embedded into this post.

This sequence uses dialogue in an interesting way, in that it does not really use dialogue – but rather, written word on the screen.

I found this extremely interesting as it was an extremely effective and poignant way to portray information to the audience – particularly in the style through which it was delivered.

At the beginning, the typing starts of slowly; the sound of the type-writer is loud but rhythmical, and as the writing gets faster, and reveals more information – the sound of the type writer seems to get louder, more manic and tension and intensity begins to build.

This sequence allowed me to view the use/coverage of dialogue in a completely different way and has caused me to be inspired to re-create or re-adapt qualities of this scene.

Instead of using a type writer, perhaps I will  use a computer, laptop or even handwriting. I may decide to obscure some of the words being written and decide to speak over the top of the scene.

In fact, the entire film offers for the exploration and analysis of dialogue. Much of the film uses what seems to be stock footage with dialogue spoken over the top, delivering a disjointed yet cohesive narrative. For example, this scene titled ‘Journalism’:

After watching these sequences from the film, I have decided that this is a direction I would like to explore – the use of dialogue in unconventional methods within scenes.
There is something beautifully abstract about these scenes – something incredibly poignant, anxious and slightly melancholic – all sentiments that I enjoy experiencing when watching cinema.

I intend to discuss this idea with Robin today, and begin my filming hopefully tomorrow afternoon.

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