Capturing Creativity: Week 4

Week 4’s class was focussed on the setting up and functioning of film cameras. We were shown how to set up the appropriate tripod and then the initiating of the cameras. Louise gave us an acrostic poem to memorise, but I don’t remember what it was. Having used these cameras last semester, my confidence in being able to setup the tripod and camera is justified.

We were then put into groups for out first task – to go out and film some street art. I was paired with Steph and we walked down to Hosier Ln in order to capture some of Melbournes iconic graffiti works. We made some minor progress with our Artist brief, and we were informed of the pitch that we are required to do. We were also informed that  Jenny, one of Louise’s colleagues was coming into class in a couple of weeks in order to provide some insight into our project.s

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