Specific To Site: Week 9 #1

Today’s class focused on our individual ideas and themes for our end of year Signal Exhibition. We went around the class and presented our collages and discussed potential ideas for our individual pieces of work for the Signal Exhibition.

Everybody had extremely insightful ideas and a lot of our ideas overlapped which will make collaboration between people much easier.

I decided to focus on the idea of intimacy and private displays of intimacy in a public space. I am aware of the challenges this idea proposes due to censorship issues as it is a public exhibition.

I want to explore place through the idea of intimacy by creating a private place in a public setting. I want to explore the intimate rituals of people by themselves and with others and challenge the heteronormative ideas of intimacy that are typically presented.

I am trying to source some pieces to draw some inspiration from, more for the censorship nature of my work.

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