In place of a blog post regarding our second class this week – I’ve decided to dedicate a blog post to a field of site-specific art that I had never really considered. This form of site-specific art conjoins both animation and real world places to create a sequence that parallels the evolution of the cosmos, earth and humanity. I found this particularly interesting because the site used is not simply a single site, the artists use an entire city in Argentina as a canvas and shows the progression of the art-scape through stop animation.
What I like most about this work was the combination of illusion with reality – using a real landscape to illustrate fabricated stories and filling it with fabricated sounds that mirror those that could be found within the place if these events were really taking place.
I also admire the incredible amount of time, dedication, thought and talent that goes into producing something of this scale and being able to pull it off very elegantly. The poetic qualities of this piece are staggering as it offers both light-hearted humour and entertainment but also deals with ideas ranging from the process of evolution and natural selection, to the destructive qualities of humanity – one of the darkest aspects of human nature.
I’m hoping to stumble across more of these sorts of work and expand my knowledge about art in site.