Presented with another brief and another challenge.
This time we must attempt to represent another person. I feel that exploring others is easier than exploring yourself, as you are rarely scared of what you will find.
That being said, where do we draw the line between probing and invading? Asking and demanding? Knocking and barging? How do we explore the intricacies of someone’s personality without them feeling violated?
The deeper we go into exploring the emotional facets of our subjects the more harm we can potentially cause, asking people to relive certain moments of their life that may be either happy or traumatic causes repercussions.
Like Russian roulette, we pull the trigger and the effects can either be sweet destruction or sweeter relief. This is a delicate process and we mustn’t forget that our briefs are based on people open to assisting us, we shouldn’t make them feel uncomfortable or regret the task.
Baby steps