Posting four or more blog posts a week can get a bit messy. So here, you can see each blog post categorised by their release date below:
Week 13: Reflection on semester one (30/05/16 – 03/06/16)
Week 12: The final week of semester one (23/05/16 – 27/05/16)
Week 11: Mediums & technologies (16/05/16 – 20/05/16)
Week 10: Media institutions part two (09/05/16 – 13/05/16)
Week 9: Working on project brief four and audiences (02/05/16 – 06/05/16)
Week 8: Media institutions (25/04/16 – 29/04/16)
Week 7: Collaboration (18/04/16 – 22/04/16)
Week 6: Narrative structure and noticing (11/04/16 – 15/04/16)
Week 5: Semiotics and interpretations (04/04/16 – 08/04/16)
Week 4: Sound (21/03/16 – 01/04/16)
Week 3: A shift in media studies (14/03/16 – 18/03/16)
Week 2: The importance of the edit (07/03/16 – 11/03/16)
Week 1: Introduction to media one (29/02/16 – 4/03/16)