The Godfather (Part one) – A movie opinion


So before I begin, let me explain what this post is. As most media students will know, we are all required to post a minimum of four posts a week. One post also has to be dedicated to the following topics:

  1. Lectorial and readings
  2. Workshop/seminar
  3. Initiation post (linking of ideas to media we have encountered)

But what about the fourth post?
Well that’s were my ‘A movie opinion’ idea comes from. Bit of a side note – I used to never watch movies. Which is odd, seeing how I’m in a media course, while also in a cinema studies class for my contextual stream. So I thought an idea like this would be perfect for me! So each week, I’m going to post my opinion on movies I have recently watched. I’ll talk about what I liked, what I didn’t like and so on and so forth. And if you want to share your own opinion about the movie, or would like to recommend something for an up-and-coming movie buff, then go ahead and shoot me a comment! And one more thing. THERE WILL BE SPOILERS. This is more of a discussion than a review of the movie. So if you haven’t watched it yet, skip this post! You get the idea? Awesome! Now the first movie I’m going to talk about is ‘The Godfather’, directed by Francis Ford Coppola.

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An initiation post?

Photo Credit: gleb.gonchar via Compfight cc

Photo Credit: gleb.gonchar via Compfight cc

Without a doubt in my mind, the initiation posts have been the hardest posts to write. For broad topics such as creativity in media studies, it’s difficult to come up with ways to link it to things that haven’t already been discussed in class. So for the past few days I’ve been thinking, “What the heck can I write about that hasn’t been talked about yet?”. Now this might be pushing it, but I think I managed to squeeze out an idea.


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The peaks of social media

Photo Credit: canonsnapper via Compfight cc

Photo Credit: canonsnapper via Compfight cc

In this weeks workshop, we talked about the readings by David Gauntlett regarding creativity and digital media – talking about a change in the way we think about media studies. Dubbed “media studies 2.0”, this new form of media studies encourages creativity and making, rather than the old model where theoretical studies is more prevalent. My previous post talks a bit about this change, so go ahead and read up on it if you haven’t already (it’s freee~).

So what kind of affects will this shift impose? How will it change your day-to-day life? Well, as our class discussed in huge detail, we are already in the process of this shift, and it’s called social media. First of all, let me get this straight. You don’t need to be a media practitioner to create media. Almost every single one of us create media in some way or form. Posting a Facebook status, uploading on Snapchat, or even posting a new photo on Instagram are all forms of media creation.

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Creativity in the media industry

Photo Credit: lumineimaginis via Compfight cc

Photo Credit: lumineimaginis via Compfight cc

As a result of the Labour day, this week lectorial was cancelled (Yay!). As a result, I’ll only be speaking about this weeks readings. This weeks set of readings by David Gauntlett, all followed a pretty central theme. Gauntlett proposes a possible shift in the way we think of media from an industry perspective, and how a change can benefit the industry in the future. At least, I think that’s what he was saying – let me explain.

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