


A popular Youtube channel that I constantly watch is JustKiddingParty. I also watch their other channels such as JustKiddingNews and JustKiddingFilms, but that’s irrelevant.

The premise of JustKiddingParty is simple – play games and have a good time. They seriously just play a number of different party games, and that’s literally all to it. But that’s not the reason why I watch them. The energy and vibes that their little group gives off provides a sense of community, and always keeps me coming back for more.

So why the title? How can something so simple such as JustKiddingParty have anything to do with semiotics – the study of signs and symbols and their use in interpretation. Continue reading

A bit of a cheeky interview

On the lectorial of week 5, we did a bit of practice for our upcoming project brief; where we must record a two to three minute long interview of someone.

We were randomly placed in groups of three, and given a tripod and a ‘cute’ camera as our equipment (our tutor tends to find a lot of equipment cute). As per usual, we instantly came across an issue. Before I go into it, have a look at the image below:


Notice the problem? Continue reading

Semiotics and the contradictions in the readings




Week five has finally begun after a week long break!

As usual, we expanded on the knowledge presented by the readings in the lectorial. One of the central themes of the readings was semiotics; which is the study of signs and symbols and their use within interpretations. Long story short – interpretations can widely differ from person to person as a result of a number of variables Continue reading