Naughty Dog


As a result of the upcoming project brief 4, a constant theme that comes up time and time again is ‘institutions’.

According to Google, an institution is:

“an organization founded for a religious, educational, professional, or social purpose.

By that definition, an institution that has had an impact on my life is the game manufacturing organization known as – Naughty Dog. Continue reading

Gathering references

Photo Credit: Lauren P. Arfman via Compfight cc

Photo Credit: Lauren P. Arfman via Compfight cc

This weeks workshop was pretty productive if I do say so myself.

This workshop, after a few tasks that I can’t remember – we got into our groups for the upcoming project brief 4 and did some collaborative work once again.

We had an extensive discussion on what we could frame our media essay around. After several minutes of back-and-forth conversation, the questions we have come up with to frame our media essays on is: Continue reading

How important is the NBN?

Photo Credit: sayasatria via Compfight cc

Photo Credit: sayasatria via Compfight cc

In this day in age, it’s safe to assume that most households have some form of access to the internet. Whether it’s through cable, ADSL, fibre-optics, satellite, or even through the use of wireless 3G/4G networks that is used predominantly by mobile phones. Access to the internet is such a huge phenomenon, that it is deeply integrated into our society and culture. Consequently, this leads many to look for the best internet provider to improve their internet experience. But what impacts on a consumers internet experience?  As consumers, we look for a number of things in our internet service providers (ISP’s) – reliability, customer service, cost, contract length and the terms of service. However, one thing that I personally look for when deciding on a ISP is the internet speed. Internet speed is more often than not, the deciding factor when choosing which ISP to go with (personally). But how important is fast internet speed? Continue reading

What analysis? SWOT analysis.

I’m really proud of that title.

Quick run-down before I give you my personal SWOT analysis. SWOT analysis – which is used in a number of groups (small and large), is a way of assessing the current status and position of an individual, group or organization. It is a way of identifying ‘where we are now’ and ‘where we want to go’. SWOT is an acronym that stands for Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats. Quick run-down over – LOOK AT MY SWOT ANALYSIS! Continue reading