The video rough cut


Last week – our audio essay rough cut was due. It was at this moment, where I learnt that we were behind. This week in our workshop, our video rough cuts were due. How did we go this time?

Surprisingly enough – our tutor seemed to be happy with where we were at. We had all our audio recorded, and cut and edited into the places we wanted them to go. All that was left was to gather pieces of b-roll to overlay on top of the audio.

Just some notes on an upcoming interview

With the interview with Kerri Ritchie coming up in week 11, I just thought I’d post up some of the questions that my group thought of to ask her.

  1. How long have you been working for the ABC?
  2. What initially drew you to public broadcasting?
  3. What is a quality/value/affordance that ABC/public broadcasting has, that new media (social media etc) does not?
  4. What is the biggest way you feel the digital revolution has changed or affected public broadcasting?
  5. Do you think the new media could ever replaced public broadcasting?
  6. As a reporter, where does this shift towards online and user-generated content leave you?
  7. Do you think the changes new media imposes line-up with the values associated with the ABC and public broadcasting?
  8. Do you think new media can promote the values held by the ABC and public broadcasting in general?

Cheers to Hannah and Yolanda for brainstorming these up!

Group work in workshops

In the past few workshops – and the workshops to come in the future, it seems that majority of our workshop is taken up by group work in relation to our project brief four. But time after time, I’m starting to see this as more of a hindrance than a benefit. Here’s why.

First of all, let me say that it has nothing to do with the people in my group.

It’s more of the fact that sometimes, our group has no reason to do ‘group work’. To provide some context – I’ve gathered that our group doesn’t do well with planning how we’re going to edit our video/audio essays without any footage in front of us. It seems like most of us – if not all of us, would prefer to record some footage, then work from that. So naturally, we planned a few dates ahead of time where we would all meet-up, and record some vox-pops and interviews. Continue reading

Finding an interview subject

Logo for ABC - Australian Broadcasting Corporation

Logo for ABC – Australian Broadcasting Corporation

Institutions. Is that a good enough intro?

The workshop for this week (04/05/16) was full of open discussion and thing alike. In groups, we traded information regarding our found articles and discussed them in detail. Following that was a small presentation of our findings to the rest of the class, which gave opening to a small Q&A from the other groups. I think this little Q&A was great for finding weaknesses in our information. It helped identify areas where we lacked information in. Continue reading