Reflecting on project brief three

ali reflection

No witty introductions from this time, let’s get straight to the point.

Media one students recently had to create a self portrait of someone else. If you haven’t seen my one yet, click here! Below, you will find my reflection on the project itself, so… enjoy?

First of all, I really want to express my happiness in the way the interview turned out. Continue reading

My experience with collaboration


Teamwork is a fundamental idea in achieving feats that have never been possible before.

Today’s lectorial (18/04/2016) took on two ideas: one, was non-narratives; whereas the second idea was the idea of collaboration. Now to be one hundred percent honest – I got nothing from the first talk about non-narratives. Why? Continue reading

The protagonist doesn’t die?

Game of thrones - George R.R. Martin

Game of thrones – George R.R. Martin

Who says a protagonist can’t die?

I didn’t get much from this week’s lectorial, unfortunately. I just wasn’t in the right mood to focus after Rachel’s typo of ‘public’ to ‘pubic’. That was way to funny. Anyway, one thing that stands out was one of Brian’s points on what makes a protagonist. He stated that a protagonist cannot die. While this may be the case for the majority of narratives, there are a number of times where writers/directors will do the exact opposite. Continue reading


A popular Youtube channel that I constantly watch is JustKiddingParty. I also watch their other channels such as JustKiddingNews and JustKiddingFilms, but that’s irrelevant.

The premise of JustKiddingParty is simple – play games and have a good time. They seriously just play a number of different party games, and that’s literally all to it. But that’s not the reason why I watch them. The energy and vibes that their little group gives off provides a sense of community, and always keeps me coming back for more.

So why the title? How can something so simple such as JustKiddingParty have anything to do with semiotics – the study of signs and symbols and their use in interpretation. Continue reading

A bit of a cheeky interview

On the lectorial of week 5, we did a bit of practice for our upcoming project brief; where we must record a two to three minute long interview of someone.

We were randomly placed in groups of three, and given a tripod and a ‘cute’ camera as our equipment (our tutor tends to find a lot of equipment cute). As per usual, we instantly came across an issue. Before I go into it, have a look at the image below:


Notice the problem? Continue reading

Semiotics and the contradictions in the readings


Week five has finally begun after a week long break!

As usual, we expanded on the knowledge presented by the readings in the lectorial. One of the central themes of the readings was semiotics; which is the study of signs and symbols and their use within interpretations. Long story short – interpretations can widely differ from person to person as a result of a number of variables Continue reading