I did not expect this…

As my first week of uni has come to an end, there is one word that is been constantly repeated in both my media and cinema studies classes to the point where I can’t think of anything but that single word, and that word, ladies and gentlemen is “blog”.

Blog. Blog. Blog. Blog.
It’s a weird word isn’t it? Keep saying it over and over again and eventually you’ll get to a point where you’ll doubt it’s validity as an English word. Such a short simple, 4-lettered word, and yet, it holds so much value for students undergoing this course. Our blog, is the basis of which our entire university results are based on. So it’s unsurprising how much our lecturers have emphasised the term. So much so, that our first reading was based on the importance of blogging, and why our entire curriculum is centred around blogging.

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A message to my future self

Photo Credit: Hashtagadvertising via Compfight cc

Photo Credit: Hashtagadvertising via Compfight cc

Hey Reza,

You still find that meme funny?

If you’re reading this, either two of the possible outcomes I could think of has happened:

  1. You’re scrolling down your posts and accidentally stumbled across this exact post
  2. It’s been three years since you started this course and you’ve come back to see all the progress you’ve made

If it’s the former – go away. If it’s the latter – continue to read.

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