About Me

“The only failure is inaction. The rest is trial and error.”

That above quote is a big reason why I do the things that I do. I’ve been told this quote so many times by different people (not in the same words, of course), that it’s inevitably branded itself into my brain. As a person, I try to take as many opportunities as I possibly can, because you miss 100% of the opportunities you don’t take – which includes this blog.

Who is Reza Sulaeman?

Let’s try keep this as short and sweet as possible. I’m currently a first year at RMIT university, undergoing a Bachelor of Communication (media). I was born and raised in Melbourne, Australia and have lived here my entire life, however, both my parents are from Bandung, Indonesia; so it’s not rare to see me spending a few days down there once in a while. I enjoy creating creating videos as a hobby; as well as some gaming on the side. I’m also a huge adrenaline junkie. In terms of video making, I consider myself a massive amateur. I have no formal education in the subject other than the one I’m undertaking as of now. All of my experience in media is self-taught and could definitely use some brushing up.

Why did you make this blog?

I made this blog in order to inspire people to do great things and to motivate… Ehh, who am I fooling? This blog was made to fulfil a requirement within my course. As part of my three-year course, I’m required to keep and maintain a blog and use it to discuss several things which I will go into further detail in the “What’s your blog about” heading. But hey, if for some reason my blog manages to unintentionally motivate or inspire someone – well I guess that’s a bonus!

What’s your blog about?

My blog will mainly consist of:

  • Exploration of new ideas
  • Follow ups and reflections of classes within my course
  • Plans and ideas for creative works-in-progress
  • Connections between what I learn in my course and what I find interesting in the media world
  • Independent research and projects
  • Me talking to myself

This doesn’t entail all the posts to come, but it’s probably what most of my posts (that rhymed) will consist of.

Is this blog for me?

If you find media interesting in one way or another (Blondie reference), then you might find the content I produce interesting and it may be worth sticking around a bit. But if you want to follow the journey of an amateur media practitioner, then this blog is for you. I will definitely be an avid and active blogger and will document all my failures and successes in the years to come. And if you’re a master at the art and are reading this blog, maybe you would like to leave some feedback or some tips and tricks – it’s up to you!