Laugh It Off! Filming with RMITV and Catalyst

Comedian - Lynn Ruth Miller

Comedian – Lynn Ruth Miller

So recently, I helped in a collaboration project between RMITV (RMIT’s TV) and Catalyst (RMIT’s magazine).

I was to be the camera/lighting operator for an interview with a comedian named ‘Lynn Ruth Miller’. We had some time before this comedian showed up, so I ran over to the cafe near the RMITV offices to grab a bite. Shortly after, one of the volunteers came running over to me saying that the comedian had arrived. So I grabbed my stuff, and ran back over with him. I pointed at a younger woman standing near the office and asked, ‘is that the comedian?’. He replies, ‘no, it’s the one next to her’. Standing beside the young woman, was a little, innocent old lady. Continue reading

What is identity? (Project brief two)


If you haven’t recalled, project brief one gave us media students the task of collecting multiple ‘media artefacts’ that represented our identities in some way or form. Here’s a link to that project, if you haven’t already seen it. Why am I mentioning this project? Well, project brief two required us to – again, recreate our identity using media. Only this time, we had to edit all the media artefacts as one cohesive piece using Adobe Premiere Pro.

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Creative self-portrait (Project brief one)


If you’ve kept up with my blog, you’ll understand what my title is referring to. If you haven’t, let me briefly summarise.

The ‘creative self-portrait’ was our first project for our bachelor of communication course. The self-portrait comprises of different mediums of media (image, video, audio and text) that represent one’s identity. How we chose to represent ourselves was completely up to us and our creative imaginations (hence the ‘creative’ part). So without further ado, here is my creative self-portrait.

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