Class reflection

Paul whipped out the markers and A3 paper again, and we were back to brainstorming our ideas for our experiments for the next few weeks.

To be honest – I don’t feel like I got much out of this session. But what I did realize after jotting down ideas and discussing with Sem – is that a narrative might help with our experiments.

Sem wants to experiment with color grading, and I want to experiment with foley, and also incorporate the use of a through the wall transition. All three of these elements of film require a motivation. Color grading needs to be motivated by the atmosphere or feel of the film, foley needs to be motivated by an action or movement in the shot, and the transition needs to be motivated by some form of movement from one shot to another. We can’t just transition from one shot to the next for transitions sake – we need a reason to go from one shot to another.

Some form of narrative – even as simple as a person trying to escape from another person, will help in giving our shots some meaning to base our experiments around.

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