Class reflection

Paul whipped out the markers and A3 paper again, and we were back to brainstorming our ideas for our experiments for the next few weeks.

To be honest – I don’t feel like I got much out of this session. But what I did realize after jotting down ideas and discussing with Sem – is that a narrative might help with our experiments.

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My first experiment with 3-D layers

So during the weekend after the project pitch – Sem and I journeyed to the lands of Yarraville in search of an abandoned factory.

Upon arriving, we scouted the area to see what we could find. The walls were lined with graffiti, the skeleton of the building walls stood exposed, and spray cans and other pieces of junk lay scattered across the ground. The fact that it was a huge ex-factory meant that there were different pockets of spaces – meaning this location had plenty of potential for a film or photography shoot.

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Project Pitch

There are a number of things I want to explore and experiment with over the next few weeks. I think my main focus is to work and experiment with foley, which; for those who don’t know, is the creation or alteration of sound in post-production. Foley is used to give a scene its life.

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