Writing task and foley experiments

So the writing task we did in week three was designed to give us an idea of what we might like to investigate for our series of experiments. We jotted down people and places we find interesting, as well as actions – interesting or mundane. Then we jotted down ideas of things we could experiment with and investigate.

Now personally, I don’t think this activity helped me at all. I didn’t really get anything from it, and I haven’t even considered experimenting with the things I wrote that day.

That aside – I have figured out what I do want to pitch and investigate in week 7, thanks to the consultation with Paul during week 5. I found it to be really helpful, and it gave me insight into things I didn’t really consider looking into. Now I feel a lot more comfortable with what I want to do for my investigation.

Overall – my plan is to investigate the use of foley in films. I find it amazing that such intricate sound effects can be made using a number of different objects, and it is my goal to create several shots, and layer my own foley over them. Perhaps trying different kinds of foley effects can also result in a different atmosphere for the film. Something to possibly look into.

So, my goal for this Thursday, 30th of March – is to shoot some shots of anything. Crowds walking, cars zooming past, people reading – whatever! And in my own time, I will create foley sounds with what I can, and experiment with it.

Hopefully over the weeks, I’d like to create more intricate shots if possible with actions that are harder to create foley sounds for. Or possible replicate a scene or a number of shots from a film, that has a plethora of sound effects embedded into its soundscape.

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