Group work in workshops

In the past few workshops – and the workshops to come in the future, it seems that majority of our workshop is taken up by group work in relation to our project brief four. But time after time, I’m starting to see this as more of a hindrance than a benefit. Here’s why.

First of all, let me say that it has nothing to do with the people in my group.

It’s more of the fact that sometimes, our group has no reason to do ‘group work’. To provide some context – I’ve gathered that our group doesn’t do well with planning how we’re going to edit our video/audio essays without any footage in front of us. It seems like most of us – if not all of us, would prefer to record some footage, then work from that. So naturally, we planned a few dates ahead of time where we would all meet-up, and record some vox-pops and interviews.

However, these forced group sessions in our workshops seem to have no real benefits for us. Sure, we get to see each other and talk about our progress and so on – but I just don’t see the need in doing that when we’ve already got plans to see one another in the future anyway.

I feel that group collaboration works better when everyone in the group agrees to meet-up outside of class – like in a cafe or something. Being forced into working with one another seems to produce an atmosphere that contradicts productive work. When I say ‘forced’, I’m not saying I don’t want to work with my group. Personally, I just feel a pressure that I have to get something done in these forced sessions or else I’ll be seen as unreliable. Whereas in a natural environment, where we organise a day to work together, work just seems to flow better – and it’s also more enjoyable. Especially when our forced group sessions are at 8:30am in the morning, it’s just more of a hassle than anything.

This all may change once we get some footage to work with – so I’m really hoping for that!

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