Gathering references

Photo Credit: Lauren P. Arfman via Compfight cc

Photo Credit: Lauren P. Arfman via Compfight cc

This weeks workshop was pretty productive if I do say so myself.

This workshop, after a few tasks that I can’t remember – we got into our groups for the upcoming project brief 4 and did some collaborative work once again.

We had an extensive discussion on what we could frame our media essay around. After several minutes of back-and-forth conversation, the questions we have come up with to frame our media essays on is:

  1. What effect does the way we view media today have on long-standing institutions?
  2. What Part do media institutions play in globalization?

If you can’t already tell, the major theme that plays in both questions is the idea of ‘institutions’. More specifically, long-standing institutions of media such as major television broadcasters, newspaper producers and radio broadcasters.

Also, I’ve gathered my share of the references that I will be using for this project, which is listed below:

References for first question (VIDEO):

  1. “How has social media changed the way newsrooms work?”, by Kevin Bakhurst, Deputy Head of BBC (at the time of writing the article)…/theedi…/2011/09/ibc_in_amsterdam.html
  2. “Social media versus traditional media”, by Angela Hausman, Manager of Hausman and Associates (Marketing firm)…/
  3. “Broadcasters embracing user-created content”, by iSentia (Media Monitoring & Analysis Tools and Services)…/broadcasters-embracing-user-create…References for second question (AUDIO):
  4. “The impact of social media on globalization, democratization and participative citizenship”, by Mehmet Fatih Yigit (Ph.D in educational leadership, educational policy and educational theory)
  5. “Globalization and the media: Key issues and Dimensions”, by Mirza Jan (Department of Mass Communication, Gomal University)…/Shared%20Documents/globalization%20an…
  6. “The Role of the Media in the Processes of Globalization and Migration:
    From Representation to Participation”, by Prof. Dr. Kai Hafez…/Media_Globalization_Migration_D…

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