A message to my future self

Photo Credit: Hashtagadvertising via Compfight cc

Photo Credit: Hashtagadvertising via Compfight cc

Hey Reza,

You still find that meme funny?

If you’re reading this, either two of the possible outcomes I could think of has happened:

  1. You’re scrolling down your posts and accidentally stumbled across this exact post
  2. It’s been three years since you started this course and you’ve come back to see all the progress you’ve made

If it’s the former – go away. If it’s the latter – continue to read.

So it’s been three years, huh? What’s changed? You still slick your hair back, even though it only stays in place for about six minutes and eleven seconds before falling apart? You still working at EB Games? Are you getting more shifts? It really sucked only working one day a week, didn’t it? Have you been watching a lot of new and old movies? Because I know I haven’t, really should get on to that, shouldn’t I? For both yours and my sake. But I guess you’re me, and I’m you so…

Anyway, I know you better than anyone. After all, I am you. So I know you like things short, simple and straight to the point. Do you remember your first class? The media one? (I really hope your love for crappy puns hasn’t disappeared). Do you remember how your first task was to write down the ten things you would want to achieve by the end of your degree? And do you also remember how you didn’t end up writing ten things because you couldn’t think of that many? Well if you don’t remember – because we both know how bad your memory can be sometimes – here are the things you wanted to achieve by the time you’re reading this.

  1. I want to develop a network of contacts.
  2. I want to have gained a broad understanding of media as a whole.
  3. While understanding media as a whole, I want a niche skill that makes me employable in the industry.
  4. I want to figure out what I want to do for the rest of my life.
  5. I want to be passionate about my career choice.
  6. Specifically, I want to improve on my editing.
  7. I want to meet and learn from professionals in the industry.

And voila ~ you’re ‘sort of’ ten things you wish to achieve by the end of your degree. Were you expecting something a little more… poetic? Well, you were never the poetic type to begin with. I can’t begin to imagine what’s going on in your mind right now. Are you happy? Are you disappointed? Or do you just not care? Whatever the case may be, I want you to answer these three questions.

  1. Did you achieve some – if not all – of the tasks above?
  2. If you didn’t achieve all – or some – of the tasks, why didn’t you achieve them?
  3. Regardless of whether or not you achieved your goals, what could you have done better to either achieve your goal or achieve a better result?

Use the answers you supply to your discretion. If you’re doing well, and you’re in a place where you want to be – then I tip my hat to you. All I can say is, keep doing what you’re doing, and always strive to do better than yesterday.

However, if you know you could’ve done better, and you’re disappointed in yourself. Just remember, it’s never too late. Three years from writing this post, you will be twenty-one turning twenty-two. You’re still young. If you haven’t achieved all the things you wanted to achieve by the end of 2018, who’s to say it’s too late? If you haven’t improved a whole lot on your editing, go attend a class or watch some videos on how to do it. If you want to meet and learn from professionals in the industry; find an internship, or maybe get into contact with some old professors. My point is, don’t stop trying! The only failure is inaction.

But anyway, wherever you are in your life, the most important thing is to enjoy it. As much as you can.

See you in 3 years!

(I needed to write extra words because the word count was 666 and that’s the devil’s number and people might think you’re part of the Illuminati)

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