Korsakow #2

Last lesson we were finally taken through the basics on how to make a K-film.

I’m a little more confident with what I know of the software now that we’ve been properly introduced to it.

It’s really just a basic system of word association. What would I classify each image as representing? How should I represent each one? How should they connect?

These are the questions you should be asking yourself when making a K-film, otherwise it won’t function, let alone mean anything.

Although, even then, if you’re rubbish at coming up with themes then you’re k-film is going to just be meaningless imagery, like a Michael Bay action sequence.

I still can’t understand why K-films exist though. If you’re making a documentary why would you distribute it on a platform that people just don’t know, or care about. Just make a film…..

First Encounter with Korsakow.

Well I thought I’d have a clean slate look at Korsakow.

Korsakow Interface


This is as far as I got. I imported some media, and then everything just seemed to be gibberish.

It looks like this software needs a major overhaul in the design and user interface department because it uses abbreviations that aren’t clear and also supplies you with a test project which comes with no information as to how it was made. Frustrating. I gather I’ll get better once it is explained and I’ve read more.

So as something that a normal user might want to dive in to, it’s not a great program. This does make me wonder exactly where the market is for the end products that Korsakow provides. I can see that it might be appealing, say for a person who has recently been on holiday and would like to share the experience with friends online, but they’d have to decipher the cryptic nature of the program first, so it’s hardly useful for them. On top of that I can’t see professionals in the media using this that often either. If you want to tell a story you make a Documentary with a narrative structure. Advertising could also use Korsakow I suppose but then again when you watch a Korsakow film you’re forced to open a new page and that’d just annoy the consumer. Not to mention that Flash works much better for that sort of thing.

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