Unlecture #2

This week’s lecture was much different to any lecture I had ever attended. It was so… Interactive! I will admit that although I found it very helpful that Adrian was able to answer some of our questions regarding our blogs, I still have no idea what this course is about. Nevertheless, I have also found that even after week two, this is my favourite subject and probably the one I will put most of my effort into- Sorry, Politics Communicated, take that!

I did hope that the other tutors had spoken more, or that instead of questions, Adrian addressed points made in the readings. Single-loop and Double-loop learning?! Say what?! I still managed to take a butt-tonne of notes though, and slowly but surely, my understanding of Networked Media is growing (unlike me).

Sorry, are you hungry?

As excited as I was finding out Brian would be my tutor for Networked Media, I was equally as intrigued when Adrian walked into the classroom. After having just heard him lecture, or rather unlecture us for an hour, I was excited to see what else he had to say that would make me think, and i mean really think about everything under the sun.

I couldn’t help but exchange glances with My-yen and try stifle a giggle when Adrian confessed that he saw us as “soup”, all mixed up and something or rather… Was he hungry? Why was he talking about food so much? Now I’m hungry. Great.

After getting shuffled around, I was seated next to a new girl, and both of us were absolutely mind-boggled when our task was to interpret the metaphor displayed on the screen above us. What was this course about?! Boats?! Water?! Did it reuquire some form of physical exercise? Because that, I cannot do.

By the end of the class, I had come up with my own interpretations: This course was about discovery. Sometimes an idea will lead you places, other times you have to search, and explore and direct your own path, to navigate your own learning experience. Who knows!

Well off I go, getting in my boat to journey somewhere foreign to me… Discovery here I come!

The UN-lecture

It’s not often that I’m glad to get back to the everyday routine of being a full time student, but after my 6 weeks off working 6/7 days a week since my promotion at my part time job (go, me!) I am so glad to be back at uni. Gone are the days I get to lie in bed for 14 hours a day watching re-runs of Grey’s Anatomy! Gone are the days I get up and reach for a Red Bull to wake me up (not really, I still do this), and gone are the consecutive days I spend in my disgustingly unflattering work uniform!

So it’s been six days since the last “un-lecture” and the first thing I could recall was how much Adrian used examples that involved food. Correct me if i’m wrong, but I’m pretty sure he said he was going to “pump us out like sausages”… Wait what?! And i’m pretty sure at one point he mentioned omelettes, too.

My takeaway from the lecture was pretty  much: Quality over quantity. It’s about the journey, not the destination… Or any other clichés you can think of. I feel like this subject is going to test my thinking. This was probably the only lecture I had that actually grabbed my attention. For once, I didn’t want to open my laptop and chat on Facebook. I wanted to pay attention. I wanted to learn. Like, woah. This is a new feeling.

One of the things Adrian said that caught my attention was how he pointed out that whenever our assignments are “make a poster” or “run a blog”, why do we always question it when we don’t complain about having to do ANOTHER essay? God forbid I have to make another journal for Media, but here I am typing up a blog post. Like an online journal. My insides are crying. But that’s the thing. This is creative. This is fun. Essays aren’t fun! They’re tiring and bland and yuck! Another thing Adrian pointed out was the advancement of technology. Using a $60,000 video camera back in the day, when a $700 iPhone 4s in today’s technological world produces better quality picture and sound? That’s surreal. Next thing you know, we’ll have phones that operate via telekinesis or something.

I guess that’s it though. Change is the only thing that’s constant. And we all have to learn to adapt in order to grow. So bring on journal writing, and blogs, and whatever new and inventive media outlets that are going to potentially be my field of work one day.