How does this documentary alter your understanding of the way you use social media?
In a way, I think I already had a similar understanding of the concepts explained in the documentary. What you publish on a public social media forum is tailored to appeal to your audience; you need to craft your content in order to receive a certain amount of attention. But with that said, you also need connections in order to share your content. The more followers or friends you have, the more people see your posts, and the more people will respond to your content. Social media has become the modern day form of communication, if you don’t have Facebook or don’t have a phone, you will not be able to keep up with the everyday happenings of your “closest” 900 friends.
What connections can you make with the role of a Social Media Producer?
A Social Media producer posts content based on character and audience- what will get likes, and who does it appeal to? I won’t post a status if I think nobody is going to respond to it, or I won’t post a photo if I don’t think it won’t get likes, or sometimes I’ll post something because I know pushing it into the newsfeed will mean somebody specific will see it- a passive way of communicating without actually addressing a specific person. I want people to know what I’m up to, to share my thoughts, problems, complaints, etc. An SMP tailors social media content as a big publicity bit, which is what most teens do on social media anyway.
What ideas does this documentary raise in regards to the event your group is planning and the task of achieving participatory engagement?
In order to reach a great amount of people, we need to broaden our audience by using our own connections, and creating smart posts which will:
1. Catch the attention of the audience
2. Be creative enough to get people interested or curious
3. Make sure our audience is the right one who will go far enough as to participate and help create content/push it into the newsfeed or share it with their friends, thus broadening our audience
and the cycle goes on!