Film-TV Question 3

Select from one of the readings from week 1 or 2 and briefly describe two points that you have taken from that reading. Points that excite you, something that was completely new to you. 

Having only written one script (For a 2 minute short film in high school) in my life, I found the reading on Script Formatting and Layout to be the most interesting. A script is an easy way to lay out your story ideas on a (somewhat) visual timeline; it shows readers, producers, and distributors an idea of how your story will pan out- it also helps to see a script when considering worth and production costs; shitty script = no funding, sorry!

I didn’t realise there were so many specifics in scriptwriting; single spaced, a specific font and point, certain headings, writing in present tense… there’s a lot of detail that goes into a script; it seems to time-consuming!

This reading was not dry like a lot of the other’s I’ve read over the last year of the course- and I found it extremely helpful. As opposed to reading’s that generally talk about an idea or theory that is generally practiced in media, this reading was more of a scriptwriting guide. Definitely going to print this one and stick it on the wall for future reference!

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