Judge me all you like, but i’m going to get political here, and talk about rights for a second.
it was suggested that we look for patterns. and that intent fades- something that really cemented this idea for me was a discussion I had with a friend of mine (Z is my friend, and of course, R is me!)
Z: I’m not against gays at all but husband and husband just doesn’t sound right lol
R: Oh well, regardless of weather it “sounds right” or not, it’s happening. it’ll eventually happen, just like women’s rights and abolishing slavery.
Z: That’s so different, but probably, yeah
R: It’s not that different, it’s all about equality
Z: Slavery is like evil and wrong. Marriage is a religious tradition between a man and woman. there’s a pretty big difference
R: Slavery is evil and wrong based on morals. Back then it was normal because it segregated the wealthy and the poor, you were born into a class, and you had to deal with it. Over time it became a general social understanding that it is elitist, immoral and promotes inequality. Just like how people say that homosexuality is immoral; people are fighting for equality.
The point of this example, is to demonstrate that things change. We look for patterns, but things change. I saw a pattern in that change was happening, and also saw intent fading as those who enslaved poorer classes intended to maintain a social status and create a hierarchy, and that intent faded; dating all the way back to Moses freeing Egypt.
Side-note: I am not religious, so I am in no way qualified or feel like I have the expertise to comment on the issue; my views are purely opinions based on what I have heard, or learned, but not what I practise.
Another side-note: We continued on talking about equality and law and religion for a while, and after agreeing that not both of us could live in our ideal worlds, my friend sent me a snapchat of this: