Media 6 – Week 5


With one week of preparation left, stress levels were super high and everyone was trying their best to organise themselves. Our group leader Jess was extremely helpful and organised, checking up on each of us and keeping us in the loop with google docs and our Facebook page.

I was unable to attend this week’s lecture but my group was aware of this at the previous week’s group meeting and I made sure to outline my tasks for the week and keep my group updated through our Facebook group.

By this point we had accomplished quite a bit but we still had a long way to go; the poster had still not been finalised, we hadn’t had all our confirmed guests yet and we hadn’t had our run sheet drafted or approved yet.

I had a number of tasks to complete and began first with finishing the poster. Together with Jenny we pieced together images of the Mona Lisa, the Melbourne skyline and a remote- we altered the colour and scale of each image in order for the colours to match up as well as photoshopping the remote into Mona Lisa’s hand, which took some time and a bit of extra help! The following night I attempted to finish up the poster but realised I still had a long way to go. I added in a cartoon plane with a banner and downloaded a free font to use on the poster- This was later sent to Tiffany for our name tags for continuity and to create a more synced up, themed experience overall! The font used was unique and not recognisable and as a default word/photoshop font and in so, gave our seminar title a more creative and memorable spin!

Once the poster layout was complete, all I had to wait for was the confirmed names and titles of our guests! After receiving the confirmed names of our first two guests, I listed them with a “and more!” included in the font and posted an exported JPEG copy to the group for approval. After receiving approval I sent the copy to Monika for use on our social media platforms. When updates were given to me for the poster, I completed these including the names, dates, updated slogan and appropriate RMIT logos and forwarded copies to Jess and Monika to share with the Steering Committee and our social media sites.

While I put my name down to help with the video, I steered my focus more towards the poster instead and took a step back with producing the video. While I was present in the edit suites through most of the editing sessions, I did not contribute much to the editing process except for providing feedback to Jenny and Georgia who were much more hands on. I did contribute to the video however, by creating a background for one of the green screen shots by editing an existing screengrab from TV show “The Office” on Photoshop. Additionally, despite not contributing much to the editing process, I gained extra knowledge and skills from sitting in on the editing sessions as I was able to watch my group members and pick up the ultra-key process and how to incorporate green screen footage into a video. While this bit of learning did not benefit me for the seminar itself, it benefits me outside of the seminar and enhances my skill set for future projects, shaping me to be a more versatile future employee.

Since last week’s meeting, I used the notes I made to create a draft format. I listed all the tasks in an excel spreadsheet and people required for each tasks and left the time stamps blank as I was only in charge of layout and format, and not time management. After creating a rough draft, I shared the spreadsheet with both Jess and William; for Jess to review and for William to add the time stamps as he saw fit.

This week was extremely productive for me and I’m extremely happy with what I have achieved this week. Below is a copy of my final draft for the poster.

TV Seminar Poster

TV Seminar Poster

Also attached are before and after photos of the photoshop job from the scene from “The Office”. While the completed image still has patches on it, these patches were going to be covered by the image from the green screen, and so I left it untouched, as it wouldn’t be visible.


Before Photoshop: Original Image



After Photoshop: Image for green screen


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