Valid point

In all honesty, I am going to get nothing done this week, i just know it.

For all of you who don’t know… GTA V came out last night- Now,it just so happens that as I went to post about it, I saw this post about video games being hyperlink narratives… And I think to an extent, yes, video games can be hypertext narratives- Of course in GTA there is a set storyline, but much like “The Sims”, you are the controller. You control where they go, what weapons they use, what car they drive, how fast they drive them, etc. Of course these actions are limited, so in a way, perhaps not. But aren’t our actions limited too?

What’s different about this GTA is the fact that there are 3 protagonists, unlike the usual single protagonist, GTA V allows character switches between characters- you jump through the map to “catch up” with the other protagonists and take over from wherever their built-in, systemised mind takes them, for example, more often than not I find Michael sitting in his parked car, doing absolutely nothing; understandable, since he has the most dysfunctional family, like, ever. 

But there is a major, major difference this time in the control you have as a character- much the same as usual, you can change your appearance, go to the gym, even the gentlemen’s club, get drunk, or high, highjack planes and everything under the sun! But this time, you have three different characters with three different personalities in which to do so, allowing so many more variations in “choosing your own adventure”.

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