I swear I’ve watched so much Grey’s Anatomy recently that I feel like I’ve become a doctor. I’ll lie in bed watching episode after episode after episode, and next thing you know… it’s 6AM. I just can’t help myself. I find myself crying with the characters and getting angry with them and feeling all the emotions under the sun. Then when the episode ends, and the white text “Grey’s Anatomy” appears on screen, I realise its over and my heart sinks. I’m not a doctor :'( perhaps it’s time for a course change? Somehow I don’t think i’d make it as a doctor in the real world, let alone dealing with the stresses of a trauma patient… ugh. But that’s not the point.
In multiple episodes there have been cases in the show where a general procedure has gone awry. More often than not, it is the attending physicians rather than the interns and residents that get stuck on these patients when they run out of options. It’s always the younger employees who come up with the new, revolutionary surgeries and twisted tests. Only recently, after hours and hours of sleepless nights I realised that it’s an example of double-loop learning! While older, more experienced surgeons are stuck in their old ways, demonstrating single-loop learning, younger doctors who are more in touch with revolutionary medicine who have learned the traditional forms of medicine tend to more open to thinking outside the box, which is double-loop learning!
Of course, this isn’t real, but many of these cases are based on cases that have happened in non-fictional medical history. And this applies not just to medicine, but all career fields, studies and advancements in any kinds of technology. So don’t judge me, but yes, I make real-life connections with the shows I follow religiously. Grey’s Anatomy isn’t just a TV show… It’s a lifestyle. :’)
click for more Grey’s Anatomy memes! I know, i’m pathetic. 🙁