Geek is Chic

Today we got Jason back in the tutorial (yay!) and he taught us the basics of HTML.

I did a little bit with HTML back in the stone age of things like Xanga and MySpace, and this brought a lot of that back. I actually really enjoyed it! I think I’m going to take some initiative and teach myself some more about it so I can have that skill on my resume, and potentially put it to use in my personal blog or in my career. It’s a cool feeling knowing you can create something like that and make it entirely your own.

I spent some time clicking around on the w3schools website tonight after class and I think I got a better handle on what exactly HTML is. Hyper Text Markup Language. To me, that sounds like robot speak. But it goes on to explain it a little better than that, thankfully! Essentially, HTML is website language. HTML pages are websites. The language tells the website what it’s supposed to display on each page. Capiche?

There’s also this really handy reference list of tags! Definitely worth a bookmark.


I think the other folks at my table really enjoyed it too. Maybe it’s cool to be a techy geek after all. Who knew?

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