This is a Blog

of a media student

Im1 Reading 09

This weeks reading was an online reading – a chapter in the Database Narrative Archive anthology by Will Luer – it is titled, “Plotting the Database“. Not a huge fan of the reading, (despite being broken up into smaller articles) it did seem to lose me time to time… or maybe that’s just because I’m starting…

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Week Ten Lecture

A few point I was able to put together from this weeks lecture.. CARRY OVER QUESTIONS…         Q1:How can we emphasise moments of contemplation through making our korsakow films? Reading through a poem – each reading takes on a more complex role K-films can be poetic in the sense that you do have…

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Week Nine reflections / Problems

So continuing on with the reflecting part of this, I will be talking about the K-films that have been suggested to the class during this weeks class. This week we basically continued brainstorming ideas and telling the class about our concepts – we’re still developing ours. Instead of telling you where we’re at with ours…

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Blog Stalk // Week Nine

So this week on my rounds of blog stalking, I came across Maddie Roux’s Lennie. Well, we all know what Lennie is (if you’re in media anyway.) So we’ve all had a go at creating a Lennie and testing out how we worked in groups together, so why has Maddie’s Lennie caught my eye you…

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IM1 Reading 08

So a bit of (okay a really) odd reading this week. This was an extract from: Shields, David. Reality Hunger: A Manifesto. New York: Vintage, 2011 Adrian sums up this weeks reading like this:  “Shields is a creative nonfiction writer, and this is a fantastic book. Why are we reading this? Because it is all…

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IM1 Week 9 Lecture

Q1. Will Luers states that in K-Films “the narration of the database is through the interface; its design, entry points, absences, spatial complexity and simultaneity”. Is technology leading us towards a purely graphical/symbol based method of storytelling that is independent from language? If you say narrative and the written word is above everything else – you’re…

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Week 8 reflection / problems

First week back after mid semester break… don’t let the title deceive you… It wasn’t a break. Anyway, our first mini K-film is done and dusted, so we’ve moved onto the major stuff. We’ve gotten ourselves into groups of three, so Monika, Boglarka and I are going to tackle this project together. This weeks class…

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Film/TV Analysis Reflection Four, Question 8

Please insert the link for your Lenny ex2 here. (use insert link tool) List the things that you learnt from this experience – this could be things that went well or not so well. Unfortunately, I am not able to insert my Lenny video, although I was an editor, I was not the member of…

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Film/TV Analysis Reflection Four, Question 7

Please outline some points that you took away from the Lighting Lecture. Points that excite you, something that was completely new to you, perplexes you or even one you take issue with. I was unable to make it to the lighting lecture due to unpredicted circumstances (I would like to note though that this is the only…

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IM Lecture Week 8

Some dot points highlighting points raised from this mornings lecture.             INTRO Don’t wait for inspiration, give yourself constraints. If you want to be paid for your work, you’re going to have to make stuff all the time. Set this reading because we want to frame what our major project actually…

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